The Eastern Pennsylvania Precancel Society welcomes you to the wonderful world of precancels.

Auction available ( with pictures)

Primary Usage is

  • "City and State input" which allows you to enter the state (PA only as of now) and the City, preferably the first 4 or more letters. The result is a table showing images and descriptions for your selection. The images will continue to increase as will the descriptions.

  • "Massive listing of all cities" brings up a set of screens to page through for descriptions, if you click on the left column (id) you will be taken to a new screen which shows the single image and description.

We are in need of the best quality images to update our database. If you can scan at 300dpi and have something we do not have or a better copy- please email

Use this as the jumping off point to explore all the towns, types and varieties for Pennsylvania towns
to explore our latest auction.

The menu on the right will take you where you want to go.

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